Thursday, January 22, 2015

Health update

The past year has been trifling. However, there has been amazing improvement ever since I started the Life Choice program. It may have taken 3 years, but I'm happy to say that I feel awesome.

The past month, I have lost another 4 pounds and weighed in at 113 lbs. I never thought walking the fat off would help. I'm glad I continued doing so. Walking is not strenuous to my knees as it does when I run. I would love to be able to run again. 

The scars from my surgery are almost invisible. I'm still worried about the top scar between my bosoms. It hasn't gone away like the other scars. I have been very careful in not agitating it to where it may open. It's quite a concern since it is located right under where my bra strap stays.

The happy news: I can eat eggs, cereal, sausage and pizza. Yay! My hubby told me that I have to try Turkey bacon since the turkey sausage didn't make me sick. The milk I drink is 100% ultra pasteurized with 2% fat. Lucky Charms cereal is still my favorite breakfast along with soft boiled eggs and buttered rolls. Oh, the things I would do to have Mecca's breakfast steak, eggs and toast again. 

The hype with gluten free food has been an annoyance as much as Veganism has taken full stride. I love being able to eat like a normal human being. Due to my health concerns, I can't. I don't need other "health" tips from people who don't know how to cope with their bodies and making other people eat like they do because they think it'll better their well-being. 

I know my limitations. If the doctor tells me that something isn't good for me anymore, I'm not going to get bent in finding other ways to disregard the advice. Trying to find ways to get good information without being nagged out the wazoo that zero anything is better, is going to make me violent than I have to be.

Learning what kind of fat is good for the body. Knowing how much of it you can take depends on how active you will be throughout the day. I know Omega-3 and saturated fat are as good as having chocolate once in a great while. Having to make it processed into eggs and mayonnaise, is another issue entirely. I don't need processed Omega-3 and saturated fat. That's what my doctor told me to avoid.

Leave the food be and I'm going to be just fine. If I need Omega-3 in my diet, I'll go eat a salmon. Leave the natural fat on the chicken and fish and there won't be any issues. Period. I can get my usual vitamins and minerals from the fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Sometimes I just want to have my own garden so I don't have to deal with the sordid Food Inc. messing with my food. Let Tomatoes be tomatoes and eggs be eggs. Crazy health lunatics.

Picture on the left was taken in 2012 when I first started the Life Choice program
Picture on the right was taken 01/22/2015

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