Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Post Cholecystectomy

I was a nervous wreck a week prior to my surgery, even though I had positive feedback from colleagues, friends and family who assured me that I will be just fine. I didn't like the idea of having my bellybutton cut.

As much as I hated missing work and training, I was fully supported by my trainer and supervisor. The understanding was, as long as I continue to show a good performance at work, taking my health into consideration as a priority is worth more to them than missing time from work without cause or reason. This gesture alone meant a lot to me.

On the day of my surgery, I was asked a lot of questions about my health history. So far, things went well until the anesthesialogist came and rushed in the drugs through the IV tube like wildfire. It really stung so bad that my skin turned red.

I woke up coughing like a madman after the surgery. The nurse had to tap my shoulder 3 times to get me to wake up. My lip was bruised so badly, that it swelled. Other than that, the surgeon told me I did great. The procedure was like "textbook".

My husband drove us home after the surgery. When I came home, I fell fast asleep and didn't wake up until 4:00 the next morning.

The first thing my husband gave me was a cup of Jell-O. It was really good. By mid-afternoon after a good nap, my husband had bought me a bell-hop bell. I didn't think he had taken me seriously when I asked him if he could be my bell-boy. Ha, he's such a sweetie!

It was a challenge getting showered since I was instructed not to get my sutures wet.

The coughing was still a problem, but I was surprised I was able to keep my food down. I tried some chicken noodle soup. So far, so good.

My husband returned from the grocery store with Honey Vanilla Camomile tea which help tremendously with the coughing.

I figured since I've been doing so well, I'd try some chicken nuggets. Unfortunately, it was still too soon for solid food. My chest hurt like it did the first time I even knew what the symptoms meant. So, I took 2 pills of the painkillers and I fell right asleep like Briar Rose.

So far, the soup and the Jell-O have been kept well without any complications.

As for now, I will continue having soup and Jell-O. One step at a time. Hopefully by then the coughing will subside.

I am ever grateful to have such a wonderful husband. My daughter pitched in with the house chores. My sisters pitched in too. I am truly blessed.

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