Monday, September 25, 2017

Natural Remedy

3 weeks ago, I have discovered something I never thought existed as a vitamin. I have always thought melatonin was a hormone in your body. Some how, some medical pharmaceuticals have harnessed this hormone from plants (most commonly from wheat, barley, oats and/or walnuts - who knew?)

Ever since I bought a bottle (manufactured by Sundown Naturals) from the grocery store, I've been sleeping better without any of the unpleasant side effects as I have with mirtazapine. It takes me about 5 to 10 mins to doze off and wake up refreshed in the morning.

I have also been taking multivitamins to help keep my iron and biotin up to snuff. My hair is healthier and stronger; especially when I have switched my shampoo to Garnier Whole Blends.

The cast iron pan has help a lot in the last 3 months. My iron is still low but at least I'm no longer anemic. I can withstand a 65° F weather without having to don on a jacket or a sweater.

I have also been exercising everyday. I've lost a total of 14 lbs from 140 lbs since March, 2017. I have 17 more pounds to go. My husband has found TV dinners for me which has not caused any digestive issues recently. Finding natural foods is a chore. Especially kosher/halal meat.

I'm just grateful that I still have options when selecting foods that do not contain any chemicals. Purchasing the Pūr Water Filtration pitcher was a good alternate investment. My first Pūr Water filter for the faucet broke.

Keeping myself busy with future goal plans have made my depression more manageable than it used to. I don't think I can ever see myself stopping these good habits.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Half year health update

So, it's 3 months since I used my Fitbit®. I'm liking that it records everything I need monitored. As of right now, my blood pressure is normal. I'm hoping it stays that way before my upcoming health check with my VA doctor.

Apart from normal life stresses (bills, emergencies, etc), my depression has become manageable since I've been taking mirtazapine. The only downside I have with it, is feeling groggy in the morning. According to my Fitbit®, I need to sleep earlier. It's going to be a challenge because I work the mid-shift hours. I don't have a chance to have dinner until 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Losing weight will also be quite a challenge.

I've been doing a lot of research as to what types of food that would help me get fitter based on my lifestyle at the moment. I really want to rid package foods from my diet. The salt and sugar contents of these packaged foods are hurting my health.

So far, I have found that based on my lifestyle, chicken, seafood and fish are helpful in getting my liver a break from working too hard. I came across a book about having a skinny liver. I'm reserved at the moment about reading the information they have to share to the world.

I know I haven't been doing well in keeping my diet on track this quarter. I may have to buy a measuring cup that has a foldable silicone feature whenever I dine out. I'm guilty of gorging and indulging on hamburgers once or twice a week. It's getting to the point now where I feel a lot of cramps and aches below my ribcage. Sometimes it's on my left. Other times on my right. Most times in the middle. The last thing I need is for my liver to give out on me. Or worse - my pancreas failing on me without warning. The signs and symptoms are showing. I am aware what I need to be doing.

If I could prepare my own food, I would. For now, I don't have the resources to do so. I will do my best to measure the packaged food I have to eat for the next month or so.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


I got my Fitbit® yesterday. I'm excited now that I can keep track of my heart rate. I would still need to keep watch on my blood pressure.

I have always been a moderately active person when I was younger (1986 - 1997). There were times I would just sit in front of the computer screen surfing the Internet or replying to emails. There were other times I would play on the guitar, read a book, draw on my sketchbook or work on chores. There were moments where I mostly go outside just to get a breath of fresh air. My outdoor activities comprised of outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking, walking with the dogs, playing badminton with my dad, climbing up rocky hills or trees. When I was in the military, I was mostly stretching, running on the tracks, and aerobics. I realize that as I get older, my body is not used to running anymore. My activity on the computer has become a usual occurrence.

In the past month or so, I've gotten on the Elliptical machine to ease my body in becoming more active than I ever was 2 decades ago. It seems my metabolism has boosted by 5%. I'm so energized after visiting the gym, that it has difficult to wind down and go to sleep.

I usually don't take mirtazapine on the weekends. I don't have to deal with a lot of stress when I'm at home. Cleaning the house is my therapy. The activity that relaxes me the most is either reading a book, playing puzzle games on my phone or watching my favorite YouTubers' video blogs.

It's difficult to stay away from my phone. Even though its white/blue screen is one of the reasons why I'm having insomnia, it doesn't consider the fact that I've been a restless sleeper all my life. I've suffered from insomnia since I was 10. My clinical depression and anxiety has contributed greatly towards it. The other reason for my clinical depression stems from the IUD, my estranged relationship with my mother, the death of my father, my past experiences and my shortcomings.

I know I'm not a perfect person. I should be happy all the time. I feel that without sorrow, I would never have learned patience, empathy, gratefulness, respect and enlightenment. My past is not my destiny. Déjà vu triggers a lot when my mind wanders off to cogitate; especially when I'm learning something new.

Often times I beg myself to get over the depression. I know it sounds easier said than done. I can't shake the notion that the depression I'm experiencing is only superficial. I believe that people need to understand that depression is not a constant battle for me. It comes and goes. The underlying affect of endogenous morphine deficiency changes my mood from time to time. Ever since I was made aware of it, I can recognize when I need to go out and do something fun other than sit in bed all day long and worsen my condition. I also have my husband and daughter keep me in check. I need to consider my daughter's suggestions for activities too.

I'm certainly impressed with this gadget. Maybe in the near future, they would have one that would measure my blood pressure.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Getting back on track

Ever since my husband's last visit with the doctor, he got himself a Fitbit® and a health plan. Needless to say, I was happy to finally have a gym partner.

I'm moderately active than I was last year. I'm hoping this kind of active lifestyle will continue. I really want to keep my liver healthy as much as I can. I'm doing pretty well for someone who no longer has a gallbladder to burn off the fat. I'm still amazed my metabolism is fairly high.

The only thing I need to change is getting myself a prebiotic and probiotic supplement to help my digestive system going smoothly.

I've always had digestive issues since my childhood. Even now almost in my 40s, there are still more types of food I have to avoid.

I haven't been keeping up on my blood pressure. It's a chore. I know I should continue monitoring it if my doctor needs to see me again.

The mirtazapine is doing a wonderful job. I'm sleeping; however, I am still experiencing bouts of restlessness and an occasional nightmare. My depression is not as bad as it was last year.

The mobile applications I have been using to keep track of my health are:

MealLogger - I chose this app because it was simpler than the ones I've tried.
CardioTrainer - I chose this app because it has a map feature to show how far I've walked/run/cycled/jogged (You get the picture)
Period Tracker - I chose this app because it has a lot more features than just tracking my menstrual cycle

The YouTube channels I follow regarding cooking good food:
Nyonya Cooking - Malaysian Food
Chris Urbano: Maputing Cooking - Filipino Food
Just Eat Life - Thai and Filipino Food
Ochikeron - Japanese Food
Rosanna Pansino: Nerdy Nummies - Geeky themed Desserts
Sweet Treats - Desserts
Tastemade - Channel featuring Epicureans and Chefs around the world
Sweet the MI - Korean Desserts
Strictly Dumpling - Chinese Food

Ever since I told my husband my story on how my mother trained me how to cook 5-star restaurant dishes, he would take me to his favorite restaurant and ask me to make it at home. I don't mind it so much now, since he actually enjoys the food I cook.

That's all my health update for now. Thanks for your support.